Missioning Mass
Este é o meu Filho muito amado, muito amado
Em quem pus o meu enlevo, em quem pus o meu enlevo, o meu enlevo: escutai-o
The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice, let the multitude of isles be glad there
of Clouds and thick darkness are round about him,
righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne
O fogo avança diante dele e devora em redor os seus inimigos
Os seus relâmpagos iluminam o mundo, a terra vê-os e estremece
The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord
At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth
The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples of the earth see his glory
A luz resplandece para os justos e a alegria para os corações rectos
Alegrai-vos, ó justos, no Senhor e louvai o seu nome santo
Este é o meu Filho muito amado, muito amado
Em quem pus o meu enlevo, em quem pus o meu enlevo, o meu enlevo: escutai-o
The Holy Father:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
R/. Amen.
The Holy Father:
Peace be with you.
R/. And with your spirit.
The Holy Father:
Brethren, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries.
The Holy Father:
Let us confess our sins.
The Holy Father and the people:
I confess to almighty God and to you, my
brothers and sisters, that I have greatly
sinned, in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have
failed to do, through my fault, through my
fault, through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and
Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
The Holy Father:
May almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins, and bring us to
everlasting life.
R/. Amen.
V. Kýrie, eléison.
R. Kýrie, eléison.
V. Christe, eléison.
R. Christe, eléison.
V. Kýrie, eléison.
R. Kýrie, eléison.
Glória in excélsis Deo
et in terra pax homínibus bonae voluntátis.
Laudámus te, benedícimus te, adorámus te, glorificámus te,
grátias ágimus tibi propter magnam glóriam tuam,
Dómine Deus, Rex cæléstis, Deus Pater omnípotens.
Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe,
Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris,
qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis;
qui tollis peccáta mundi, súscipe deprecatiónem nostram.
Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris, miserére nobis.
Quóniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dóminus, tu solus Altíssimus, Iesu Christe, cum Sancto Spíritu: in glória Dei Patris. Amen.
The Holy Father:
Let us pray.
O God, who in the glorious Transfiguration
of your Only Begotten Son confirmed the
mysteries of faith by the witness of the
Fathers and wonderfully prefigured our
full adoption to sonship, grant, we pray, to
your servants, that, listening to the voice
of your beloved Son, we may merit to
become co-heirs with him. Who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
R/. Amen.
Dn 7, 9-10.13-14
A reading from the book of the prophet
As I watched: Thrones were set up and the
Ancient One took his throne.
His clothing was bright as snow, and the
hair on his head as white as wool; his
throne was flames of fire, with wheels of
burning fire.
A surging stream of fire flowed out from
where he sat; Thousands upon thousands
were ministering to him, and myriads
upon myriads attended him.
The court was convened and the books
were opened.
As the visions during the night continued,
I saw: One like a Son of man coming, on
the clouds of heaven; When he reached
the Ancient One and was presented before
him, The one like a Son of man received
dominion, glory, and kingship; all peoples,
nations, and languages serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that shall not be taken away, his kingship
shall not be destroyed.
Verbum Domini.
R/. Deo Gratias
Ps 97, 1-2.5-6.9
R/. The Lord is king, the Most High over all the earth.
The LORD is king; let the earth rejoice;
let the many islands be glad. Clouds and
darkness are round about him, justice and
judgment are the foundation
of his throne. R/.
The mountains melt like wax before the
LORD, before the LORD of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his justice, and all
peoples see his glory. R/.
Because you, O LORD, are the Most
High over all the earth, exalted far above
all gods. R/.
2 Pt 1, 16-19
A reading from the second Letter of Peter
We did not follow cleverly devised myths
when we made known to you the power
and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but
we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he received honor and glory from God
the Father when that unique declaration
came to him from the majestic glory,
“This is my Son, my beloved, with whom
I am well pleased.”
We ourselves heard this voice come from
heaven while we were with him on the
holy mountain.
Moreover, we possess the prophetic
message that is altogether reliable.
You will do well to be attentive to it, as to
a lamp shining in a dark place, until day
dawns and the morning star rises in your
Verbum Domini.
R/. Deo Gratias
See Mt 17, 5c
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am
well pleased;
listen to him.
Mt 17, 1-9
O Diácono: Dominus vobiscum
R/. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Lectio sancti Evangelii secundum Matthaeum.
R/. Gloria tibi, Domine.
Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother,
and led them up a high mountain by
themselves. And he was transfigured
before them; his face shone like the sun
and his clothes became white as light.
And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared
to them, conversing with him. Then
Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Lord, it is
good that we are here. If you wish, I will
make three tents here, one for you, one
for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he
was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud
cast a shadow over them, then from the
cloud came a voice that said, “This is
my beloved Son, with whom I am well
pleased; listen to him.” When the disciples
heard this, they fell prostrate and were
very much afraid. But Jesus came and
touched them, saying, “Rise, and do not
be afraid.” And when the disciples raised
their eyes, they saw no one else but Jesus
alone. As they were coming down from
the mountain, Jesus charged them, “Do
not tell the vision to anyone until the Son
of Man has been raised from the dead.”
Verbum Domini.
R/. Laus tibi, Christe.
I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our
Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under
Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and
was buried; he descended into hell; on the
third day he rose again from the dead; he
ascended into heaven, and is seated at the
right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living
and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy
catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of
the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
The Holy Father:
Brothers and sisters in Christ
let us invoke God, our Father
who has revealed to us the divinity of his
beloved Son and has commanded us to
listen to him in joyful song:
R/. Lord, fill us with your light.
Reader 1: For the Church, God’s holy
people: may the example of Mary, the
first disciple and missionary of the Gospel
may she be for humanity a luminous and
transparent witness of faith and a fruitful
seed of unity and hope, let us pray. R/.
Reader 2: For Pope Francis and for
all ministers of the Gospel: That,
encountering the transforming beauty
of the transfigured Lord Jesus, may they
courageously share the gift of his love
with those who do not know him,
let us pray. R/.
Reader 3: For the men and women who
govern our society so that, allowing
themselves to be transfigured by Jesus
may contribute with their lives to the
construction of a more fraternal society in
which justice, truth and peace prevail,
let us pray. R/.
Reader 4: For the men and women who
govern our society so that, allowing
themselves to be transfigured by Jesus
may contribute with their lives to the
construction of a more fraternal society in
which justice, truth and peace prevail,
let us pray. R/.
Reader 5: For peoples martyred by violence
and war: That the world may embrace
God’s peace and may it always choose the
path of dialogue and forgiveness instead
of conflict and hatred. instead of conflict
and hatred, let us pray. R/.
Reader 6: For the young people
participating in World Youth Day: that
listening to the Gospel and fascinated by
the beauty of the Lord Jesus may they
dedicate themselves to building their
own future, bringing hope and joy to the
Church and to the world, let us pray. R/.
Reader 7: For us, gathered here to celebrate
the Eucharist that, entrusting ourselves
with courage to the Word of God and
strengthened by the Bread of Life may we
be leaven of light and hope in the midst of
our brothers and sisters,
let us pray. R/.
The Holy Father:
Accept, O Father, our prayer and enlighten
us with the light of the holy mountain so
that, seeing the splendor of your face and
listening to the voice of your Son we may
be fully conformed to him, who lives and
reigns forever and ever.
R/. Amen
Guia nossos passos para a montanha, a montanha do teu silêncio,
A montanha do teu perdão: o monte santo da nossa espera
Guide our steps, Lord, so we may find you, so we find you in your Word,
So we find you in love and justice, glad tidings brought by your prophet
Guide nos pas vers le grand amour, l’amour qui sèche les larmes,
L’amour qui élève le pauvre: l’amour qui n’est que ta bonté
Guia nossos passos para a missão, a missão que nos abre ao tempo,
A missão que renova o mundo: fermento novo que nos acorda
Guide our steps, Lord, to your day. On your day, we begin all over,
On your day we find each other, a celebration that sets us free
The Celebrant:
Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters), that
my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable
to God, the almighty Father.
R/. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at
your hands for the praise and glory of his
name, for our good and the good of all his
holy Church.
The Celebrant:
Sanctify, O Lord, we pray, these offerings
here made to celebrate the glorious
Transfiguration of your Only Begotten
Son, and by his radiant splendor cleanse
us from the stains of sin. Through Christ
our Lord.
R/. Amen
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
V. Lift up your hearts.
R. We lift them up to the Lord.
V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
R. It is right and just.
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal
God, through Christ our Lord.
For he revealed his glory
in the presence of chosen
witnesses and filled
with the greatest splendor that bodily
form which he shares with all humanity,
that the scandal of the Cross
might be removed from the hearts
of his disciples and that
he might show how in
the Body of the whole Church
is to be fulfilled
what so wonderfully shone forth
first in its Head.
And so, with the Powers of heaven,
we worship you constantly on earth,
and before your majesty
without end we acclaim:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua.
Hosánna in excélsis.
Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini.
Hosánna in excélsis.
The Celebrant:
You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of
all holiness.
The Celebrant and the concelebrants:
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them
like the dewfall, so that they may become
for us the Body and Blood of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed
and entered willingly into his Passion,
he took bread and, giving thanks,
broke it, and gave it
to his disciples, saying:
take this, all of you, and eat of it,
for this is my body,
which will be given up for you.
In a similar way, when supper was ended,
he took the chalice
and, once more giving thanks,
he gave it to his disciples, saying:
take this, all of you, and drink from it,
for this is the chalice of my blood, the
blood of the new and eternal covenant,
which will be poured out for you and
for many for the forgiveness of sins.
do this in memory of me.
The Celebrant:
The mystery of faith.
R/. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
The Celebrant and the concelebrants:
Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial
of his Death and Resurrection,
we offer you, Lord,
the Bread of life and the Chalice
of salvation, giving thanks
that you have held us worthy to be
in your presence and minister to you.
Humbly we pray that,
partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ,
we may be gathered into
one by the Holy Spirit.
One Concelebrant:
Remember, Lord, your Church,
spread throughout the world,
and bring her to the fullness of charity,
together with Francis our Pope
and Manuel our Bishop and all the clergy.
Other Concelebrant:
Remember also our brothers and sisters
who have fallen asleep in the hope of the
resurrection, and all who have died in
your mercy: welcome them into the light
of your face.
Have mercy on us all, we pray,
that with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of God,
with the blessed Apostles,
and all the Saints who have pleased
you throughout the ages,
we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life,
and may praise and glorify
you through your Son, Jesus Christ.
The Celebrant and the concelebrants:
Through him, and with him, and in him, O
God, almighty Father, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours,
for ever and ever.
R/. Amen.
The Celebrant:
Because we are called and are children of
God, we dare to say with all confidence:
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificétur nomen tuum;
advéniat regnum tuum;
fiat volúntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a malo.
The Celebrant:
Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil,
graciously grant peace in our days, that, by
the help of your mercy, we may be always
free from sin and safe from all distress, as
we await the blessed hope and the coming
of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
R/. For the kingdom, the power and the
glory are yours now and for ever.
The Celebrant:
Lord Jesus Christ,
who said to your Apostles:
Peace I leave you,
my peace I give you;
look not on our sins,
but on the faith of your Church,
and graciously grant her peace
and unity in accordance
with your will.
Who live and reign for ever and ever
R/. Amen.
The Celebrant:
The peace of the Lord be with you always.
R/. And with your spirit.
The Deacon:
As sons of the God of peace, greet
each other with a gesture of fraternal
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: miserére nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: miserére nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: dona nobis pacem.
The Celebrant:
Blessed are those called
to the feast of the kingdom of Heaven.
Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who
takes away the sins of the world.
R/. Lord, I am not worthy that you should
enter under my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
Pão do céu, pão de Deus, vida em mim, és Senhor Jesus
No caminho da vida és o pão que dá força e luz
Quem comer deste pão viverá por mim, quem deste vinho beber viverá no amor,
E feliz reinará com o seu Senhor
Ô Seigneur, bon berger, tu es la lumière de la vie
Qui te suit n’est pas seul et jamais va s’égarer
Ni la vie, ni la mort, ni aucun pouvoir, ne pourront le séparer de son amour:
Vers la vie éternelle il s'élèvera
Pão do céu é o maná que nos dás com sabor a ti
És a força que alenta o nosso peregrinar
Quem tem sede há-de em ti encontrar a fonte da alegria sem fim e da tua paz,
E brotará dele um rio de água viva
¿A quién vamos, Señor? Eres Tu el Santo de Dios!
Las palabras, Señor, que nos das son de vida eterna
Quién te sigue no se perderá en la noche oscura o en valles de soledad,
Pues tendrá luz de vida verdadera!
Dios mío sondea me para conocer mi corazón;
Guíame por el camino eterno
If I take the wings of the morning, and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall hold me fast
A palavra ainda me não chegou à boca, já a conheces na perfeição
Por todos os lados me envolves e sobre mim colocas a tua mão
The Holy Father:
Let us pray.
May the heavenly nourishment
we have received, O Lord, we pray,
transform us into the likeness of your Son,
whose radiant splendor
you willed to make manifest
in his glorious Transfiguration.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
R/. Amen.
The Holy Father:
Angelus Dómini nuntiávit Maríæ.
R/. Et concépit de Spíritu Sancto.
Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum,
benedícta tu in muliéribus
et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
R/. Sancta María, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatóribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.
Ecce, ancílla Dómini.
R/. Fiat mihi secúndum verbum tuum.
Ave María... R/. Sancta María...
Et Verbum caro factum est.
R/. Et habitávit in nobis.
Ave María...
R/. Sancta María...
Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Génetrix.
R/. Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi.
The Holy Father:
Grátiam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine,
méntibus nostris infúnde,
ut qui, Ángelo nuntiánte,
Christi Fílii tui incarnatiónem cognóvimus,
per passiónem eius et crucem
ad resurrectiónis glóriam perducámur.
Per eúmdem Christum Dóminum nostrum.
R/. Amen.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. (3 vezes)
R/. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Pro fidélibus defúnctis:
Réquiem ætérnam dona eis, Dómine.
R/. Et lux perpétua lúceat eis.
Requiéscant in pace.
R/. Amen.
The Holy Father:
The Lord be with you.
R/. And with your spirit.
The Holy Father:
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
R/. Now and for ever.
The Holy Father:
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R/. Who made heaven and earth.
The Holy Father:
May almighty God bless you,
the Father, and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.
R/. Amen.
The Deacon:
Go and announce
the Gospel of the Lord.
R/. Thanks be to God.