Registration open for the WYD Lisbon 2023
Pope Francis registered today, during the recitation of the Angelus in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican, in Rome, for the World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023, thus marking the opening of registration for the meeting.
Pope Francis is the first pilgrim to register for the biggest meeting of young people from all over the world with the Pope, which will take place from August 1 to 6 in Lisbon under the theme “Mary got up and left in haste” – Lc 1, 39.
“Dear young people, I invite you to register for this meeting, in which, after a long period of social isolation, we once again have the joy of the fraternal hug between all peoples and all generations, which we missed so much.”, there were the words of Pope Francis on the moment of registration.
The Pope’s announcement, in the window of the Apostolic Palace, was accompanied by two young Portuguese students from the Erasmus program in Rome: Maria de Assis, born in Lisbon and studying architecture, and Diana Lourenço Gonçalves, born in Braga and studying medicine, both at the La Sapienza University.
“This is the moment when I testify in behalf of the Portuguese young people our communion with God and with the Church through the representative of Christ on Earth, who is Pope Francis. Christ is alive and He continues to love Its Church, through the Popes, through the young people and that is why this WYD is so important in this moment, because they show a living Church, Christ is alive in us, on those who carry Him and take Him through the whole world, this is the invitation today, to take Jesus through the World Youth Day.” These are the words of Maria, after the moment of the announcement of the opening of the registrations by the Pope. “I also take with me today all the young people that will participate in this mission and the responsibility that the Church has placed on us, young Portuguese people, of receiving the pilgrims from all over the world.”, reinforces this young student, who is in Rome in her 4th year of her Masters in Architecture.
“With no doubt that it was with great joy and surprise that I accepted this unique opportunity. It is a great privilege to be in this so important day. I cannot miss the opportunity to invite all the Young people to register in the World Youth Day, because are these experiences that make us grow and open our horizons.”, told us Diana Gonçalves, Medicine student in Rome.
For D. Américo Aguiar, President of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Foundation and General Coordinator, “the opening of the registration marks a new milestone for the organization of WYD Lisbon 2023, in which everyone is invited to participate in an international meeting that aims to promote peace, union and fraternity among people and nations throughout the world”. “We will have the opportunity to welcome young people from all over the world to Portugal and provide them with a unique experience”, reinforces the responsible.
WYD Lisbon 2023 initiatives have free access for everyone. As with all World Youth Days, the Local Organizing Committee (COL) organizes and makes available package options so that pilgrims can register and access a set of services, such as accommodation, food, transport and security and to the pilgrim package.
Who wants to register as pilgrim, volunteer, for the Youth Festival, Vocational Fair, or as bishop, can do it starting to on the online registration platform.